Canton Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Ministry Does Not Stop:

Our Church Services:

Breakfast - 9:50 AM
Sabbath School - 10:30 AM
Worship Service - 11:30 AM

1st and 3rd Fridays:
Vespers/Dinner - 6:00 PM


Here is how you can join us in worship if you can not join us in person. Ministry does not stop, and God's love and mercy is still available to everyone


Watch our weekly sermon on Facebook:

Phone Call Interactive Bible Study:

Monday at 8:00 PM:
New Testament Bible Study

Tuesday at 8:00 PM:
Bible Talk

Thursday at 8:00 PM:
Old Testament Bible Study

Friday at 8:00 PM:
Sabbath School Lesson

Send an email to to request phone number.

Canton, Carrollton, Massillon Connections & Wooster Seventh-day Adventist Churches | Ohio, USA